
  • Fátima Yukari Akiyoshi França Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Débora Percília Silva Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP


Remote teaching, social isolation, learning process


INTRODUCTION: This article presents challenges in Early Childhood Education in a context of intense changes caused by the pandemic, generated by Covid-19, which brought a series of transformations in the way of thinking about education and teaching practices, through teaching remote and Early Childhood Education ended up being impacted because it is basic education.

OBJECTIVE: To know the challenges faced by early childhood educators for the execution of remote teaching in the middle of the pandemic, caused by Covid-19.

METHODS: this research was carried out through data searches from the theoretical framework, websites and consultation in scientific articles. The work consisted of data collection, of a qualitative nature, with a descriptive methodology, carried out through a questionnaire, consequently, the answers served to obtain the results.

RESULTS: the results showed that the challenges faced by kindergarten teachers for the execution of remote teaching, which served as a research base for many academics from different areas, caused several changes, thus, they had to adapt to the new reality, providing some impacts on education.

CONCLUSION: Early Childhood Education is the foundation, the base in the construction of knowledge, primordial in several aspects. This transition to the digital environment brought great transformations and challenges for educators and students. Despite the obstacles, teachers have reinvented themselves every day to bring content to students in an interactive and interesting way.


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How to Cite

Akiyoshi França, F. Y., & Débora Percília Silva. (2023). [ID 196] CHALLENGES OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC. Revista Vitae Educação, Saúde & Meio Ambiente, 2(13), 820–837. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/vitae/article/view/2525-2771-v2n13-9


