
  • Gabriella Gonçalves de Melo Centro Universitário do Cerrado de Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Andressa Gabrielle Mendes Ferreira Centro Universitário do Cerrado de Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Andreia Cristina Lourenço Centro Universitário do Cerrado de Patrocínio - UNICERP


Child nutrition, Gastronomy, Healthy eating


INTRODUCTION: It is difficult to make children accept a varied diet, increase their preferences and acquire more adequate eating habits. Being repeatedly exposed to a food is the main fator that determines its acceptance, the child is interested in the appearance, color, odor and texture od food anda t this stage it is importante to offer diferente foods.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence og gastronomy on the acceptance pd fruits and vegetables in children from a school in the city of Patrocínio-MG.

METHODS: This is a cross- sectional, descriptive and quantitative study that evaluated the influence of gastronomy on the acceptance of fruits and vegetables, whit children in Patrocínio-MG who agreed to participate and were authorized by their parentes or guardians. The study was carried out from september to october 2021, through questionnaires, fruit and vegetable tasting and acceptance using the hedonic scale.

RESULTS: Pineapple and broccoli were the most popular foods among those evaluated, it was noted that a large number of children do not have the habit of consuming fruits and vegetables. According to the hedonic scale, both dishes were well accepted by the children, with the fruits being better accepted by those evaluated and the vegetables with a significant difference after the gastronomy.

CONCLUSION: It is possible to recognize that gastronomy can improve acceptance, especially in the consumption of vegetables where there was a significant difference, however further studies are needed to obtain more concise results.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves de Melo, G., Mendes Ferreira, A. G., & Lourenço, A. C. (2023). [ID 132] INFLUENCE OF GASTRONOMY ON THE FOOD OF CHILDREN IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PATROCÍNIO, MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL. Revista Vitae Educação, Saúde & Meio Ambiente, 1(12), 614–624. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/vitae/article/view/2525-2771-v1n12-2


