Igor Cristiano Santos, Gabriella Gonçalves de Melo, Aline Silva dos Reis, Andreia Cristina Lourenço
Hemodialysis, Loss of muscle mass, NutritionAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Sarcopenia is considered a muscle disease that can occur primarily as a result of the aging process and secondary as a result of nutritional issues, sedentary lifestyle, immobilization or bed restriction, as well as as a result of insufficiencies and/or organic failures. Among the insufficiencies that can lead to the development of secondary sarcopenia, chronic kidney disease stands out.
OBJECTIVE: Assess the risk of sarcopenia in hemodialysis patients.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study involving 77 individuals with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis, treated at a Hemodialysis Center. The study was developed through questionnaires during hemodialysis sessions.
RESULTS: Of the 77 individuals, 49.3% (n=38) were female and 50.7 (n = 39) were male, with a mean age of 54.29 years. According to nutritional status, 15.8% (n=12) were classified as underweight, 40.8% (n=31) eutrophic, 19.7% (n=15) overweight and 23.8% (n=18) obese. When assessing the risk of sarcopenia, it was observed that 77.7% (n=56) were at risk and 27.3% (n=21) were at risk. The prevalence of the risk of sarcopenia was in males, 52.4% (n=11). When the association of sarcopenia risk with nutritional status was performed, there was no significant difference (p≥0.05).
CONCLUSION: Despite sarcopenia not being present in the majority of the population studied, periodic monitoring of this population is necessary, since the patient with chronic kidney disease has a high chance of developing sarcopenia, reducing their quality of life.
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