
  • Everton Ferreira Silva Unicerp - Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Lucca de Barros Casalenovo Unicerp - Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Cássio Aparecido do Amaral Unicerp - Centro Universitário do Cerrado




Deepfake, Threat, Technology


INTRODUCTION: The believable media generated by a deep neural network that has cognitive characteristics similar to ordinary people let us to believe that one person said or did something without the consent of them. This technology can be used to commit crimes and be available to the service of disinformation, turning ordinary individuals into active vectors of its propagation.

OBJECTIVE: The overall objective is to determine the danger that Deepfake can have on society. The specific objectives are to describe the violation of fundamental rights; determine if the current legislation can regulate the dissemination of these online media and characterize the damage arising from the disinformation caused by technology.

METHODS: The research is descriptive-qualitative and its method is hypothetical-deductive, which confronts two hypotheses. The research had as technique the bibliographic survey.

RESULTS: The making of Deepfakes depends on two approaches (Autoencoders and GANs) that makes it possible to generate media that use digital platforms and phenomena, such as the attraction of fake news, cultural cognition, cascading information, filter bubbles and the illusory truth; to violate fundamental rights and spread disinformation. Projects to regulate this technology that are emerging in the world and added to the technological advance of identification systems of the automated detection of the integrity of a digital media makes it possible to combat Deepfake.

CONCLUSION: The State may not be based on empirical evidence and it will be possible to create legislation to protect people against the unrestricted uses of technology.



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How to Cite

Ferreira Silva, E., Casalenovo , L. de B., & Aparecido do Amaral, C. (2024). [ID 171] THE DISRUPTIVE IMPACT DEEPFAKE CAN HAVE ON SOCIETY. Journal Rumos Da Pesquisa Em Ciências Empresariais, Ciências Do Estado E Da Tecnologia, 1(7), 490–508. https://doi.org/10.17648/2525-278X-v1n7-6


