non-violent communication, young, restorative justiceAbstract
INTRODUCTION: This article will aim to discuss about the actual problem related to difficulty of resocialization of individuals classified as criminally unimputable according to the age criteria, that is, those who violate the law and are under eighteen years old.
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to offer certain insights into how harmful the punitive culture is, and how much can be gained from a shift to the lens of restorative justice, as well as a new approach, by parties (state agents and family members) with the referred individual trying to fill in the gaps observed in the current situation, using the tool known as non-violent communication.
METHODS: The material used to produce the chosen article can be found in books about the tool itself, pertinent legislation (ECA, SINASE, CF/88), academic articles and the Senate portal. In reference to the method disposition, it is the bibliographic and deductive method, starting from the
general theme that is the conflict of young people with the law and focusing on the issue of their effective reinsertion in Society.
RESULTS: The results found here point to a hopeful horizon in which restorative justice replaces the punitive culture once and for all, using several tools and mechanisms that have been shown to be more effective in dealing with the so-called illnesses.
CONCLUSION: It is concluded that methods such as non-violent Communication and Restorative Justice collaborate to construct a community spirit seeking peaceful solutions to conflicts to come.
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