transgender, social inclusion, citizenshipAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Although in recent years the debates on diversity and minorities have gained greater visibility, it is still possible to identify transphobia and intolerance to transgender and transvestite people in Brazil. The purpose of the article is to show that despite inclusion policies, it is recurrent that the promotion of citizenship based on the Dignity of the Human Person, civil, political and social rights are not effective for the trans population.
OBJECTIVE: To verify the possibilities of social reintegration and valorization of citizenship in relation to ex-convicts (as) transgender.
METHODS: The method used in this article was hypothetical-deductive. Through bibliographic research in books and articles, such as research in documentaries, interviews, academic articles and current legislation.
RESULTS: The challenges in the daily life of these individuals and the failures in the application of the guiding rights of Brazilian justice and the Criminal Execution Law, showing how the struggle of survival of this population in Brazil is, thus proposing an attentive and urgent look at these issues, which are not only political but also social agendas.
CONCLUSION: The disregard with the trans population is enormous, showing that there is no applicability of the rights provided for in the Federal Constitution and the Criminal Execution Law, if it is urgent that the laws already foreseen begin to be applied.
KEYWORDS: transgender; social inclusion; citizenship
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