
  • Fátima Yukari Akiyoshi França Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Sheila Aparecida França Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP


performance, motivation, productivity


INTRODUCTION: Communication is what drives people's actions, it is important at the time of communication that the theme is defined and the result you want to achieve. Therefore, for the present work, the forms of communication and their definitions in a corporate environment and the importance of dialogue for the good functioning of the team and well-being that they can provide to their employees are highlighted.

OBJECTIVE: To understand the importance of internal organizational communication and demonstrate how the lack of internal communication impacts motivation, productivity, performance, results and even the quality of life of employees.

METHODS: For the present work, the bibliographic research method of a qualitative nature was used, in which it can analyze and reflect on the proposed theme. Therefore, it was necessary to carry out studies on the existing theoretical knowledge, based on research carried out by reliable sources, through projects, books, journals and scientific articles, which address the issue of internal communication in corporations.

RESULTS: The constant changes of globalization demand that organizations start to better value people management, not only worrying about financial benefits, as intellectual capital must be taken into account, as the organization's most important asset. If there is effective internal communication, with clear and objective information, the organization can make its employees work with more motivation and commitment when performing their role.

CONCLUSION: In short, communication is vital for any relationship, therefore, organizations must develop strategic communication, seeking a differential in this competitive world, as it is necessary to care for, encourage and motivate their assets and intellectual capital.


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How to Cite

Akiyoshi França, F. Y., & França, S. A. (2022). [ID 96] THE IMPORTANCE OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION IN THE ORGANIZATION. Journal Rumos Da Pesquisa Em Ciências Empresariais, Ciências Do Estado E Da Tecnologia, 1(6), 337–351. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/rumos/article/view/2525-278x-v1n6-7


