
  • Fátima Yukari Akiyoshi França Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Maria Eduarda Vieira Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP


learning, children, development, playfulness


INTRODUCTION: The ludic can provide great contributions to the child's life around the development of their learning. It can be worked in a diversified way, resulting in attractive classes, as there are several possibilities and forms of play. In these moments, children interact while acquiring learning.

OBJECTIVE: To highlight the ludic tools that are explored within the classroom to meet the greatest needs of children in relation to ludic activities. METHODS: The research was carried out through a bibliographic survey, of a qualitative nature, through the search for theoretical data in books, scientific articles and e-books.

RESULTS: It was observed that the ludic development is a consequence of the imagination that was stimulated through learning, related to aspects experienced in childhood. In this way, it is understood that children develop their skills through all the demands learned during classes and contents that become attractive and relevant for the use of playfulness.

CONCLUSION: The main and most important aspect related to the child's performance process, around the playful instruments, is the act of playing, as it enables and brings great learning contributions related to the concepts of school skills. In short, the need to contribute through appropriate environments and other activities that involve playfulness factors, facilitates and improves the development and understanding of children in relation to the acquisition of new knowledge about the didactics explored in the school environment.


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How to Cite

Akiyoshi França, F. Y., & Maria Eduarda Vieira. (2023). [ID 197] PLAYFUL TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGIES FOCUSING ON ATTENTION AND UNDERSTANDING KNOWLEDGE. Revista Vitae Educação, Saúde & Meio Ambiente, 2(13), 838–850. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/vitae/article/view/2525-2771-v2n13-10




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