quality, after sales, servperfAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Currently with technological advances and increased competition, in addition to market demands, companies are having to reformulate ways to increase their sales and retain their customers.
OBJECTIVE: The general objective of this work was to measure the quality of services provided by a tractor dealership, with regard to sales services, through the perception of target customers.
METHODS: This is a descriptive, quantitative research and case study in a tractor dealership. Data collection was carried out through the application of a structured questionnaire, likert 5-point scale, to assess the perception of customers about the services provided by the company, based on the Servperf model.
RESULTS: The results showed that the dealership provides a high quality service to its customers. However, you should not overlook the dissatisfactions of some customers.
CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the dealership has good visibility in the market, especially with loyal customers, but it is necessary to reassess the issue of contact with the customer, since this action will satisfy and retain even more customers, standing out from competitors and highlighting up even more on the market.
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