Lawyer, Indemnity, Loss of a Chance, Civil Liability, Civil Liability of the LawyerAbstract
INTRODUCTION: This paper discusses the civil liability of the lawyer, with emphasis on the theory of loss of a chance and its application in the practice of law.
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to verify the possibility or not of applying the theory of Loss of Chance in the professional legal context arising from the relationship between lawyer and client. Make a brief analysis of the functioning of civil liability in the national legal system; Depict the lawyer's civil liability; Address the theory of Loss of a Chance in the practice of law, establishing the parameters of the indemnity quantum.
METHODS: Bibliographic research in the disciplines of Civil Law; Civil responsability; Consumer Protection Code - Law No. 8.078 / 90; Law of the Law and OAB - Law No. 8.906 / 94, Code of Ethics and Discipline of the OAB - Resolution No. 02/2015 of the Federal Council of OAB; General Regulations of the Statute of the Law and OAB; jurisprudential and doctrinal consultation on the subject, operating the deductive method.
RESULTS: The theory of losing a chance can be applied in the practice of law with due caution. The lawyer as a liberal professional, acts in the provision of services arising from a contractual relationship, being subject to making mistakes and causing damage to his client, subject to civil redress.
CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the lawyer can be held responsible for the theory of loss of a chance. To this end, it is indispensable to the detained and circumstantial analysis of the concrete case by the magistrate, aiming at proving the causal link between the lawless conduct of the lawyer and the damage suffered by the client, the demonstration of guilt or intent and also the observance if the victim / customer has serious and real chances of success in their demand. Adding all these elements, it is appropriate to indemnify the patron of the case, whose value will be arbitrated based on the proportion of the final damage and not on its full value, using the contextualized weighting.
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