
  • Rychard Nícolas Teodoro Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Alisson Vinicius de Araujo Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP


Alliaceae, Allium cepa L, vegetable, weed competition


INTRODUCTION: Onion plants implanted via direct sowing are more sensitive to herbicides than those implanted via seedlings. As the areas implanted via direct sowing are increasing in recent years, necessary research is carried out to verify the most suitable herbicides.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the application of herbicides and manual weeding on the development of the onion crop implanted through direct sowing and transplanting seedlings.

METHODS: Conducted in a 2x3 factorial scheme, with two implantation systems (direct sowing and transplanting of seedlings) and three weed management (chemical clethodim and oxyfluorfen and manually), in a randomized block design, with four replications. Each plot occupies 1.2 m². The area borders with drip irrigation. Two drip hoses were used, with 30 cm between holes and x 30 between the rows of each plot.

RESULTS: The technique of sowing and transplanting seedlings showed better results than direct sowing, due to the selection of vigorous seedlings. The clethodin herbicide treatments had smaller leaf development than the oxyfluorfen treatments. Clethodin inhibited root growth. It is noteworthy that in the initial phase the plant is very sensitive to herbicides, delaying the formation of leaf area.

CONCLUSION: Plants from transplanting seedlings have a better development than direct sowing, as they are more vigorous and more resistant. Cletodin has a negative effect on plant development compared to oxyfluorfen and manual weeding.


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How to Cite

Rychard Nícolas Teodoro, & de Araujo, A. V. (2023). [ID 189] MANAGEMENT OF WEEDS IN ONION VIA DIRECT SEEDING AND VIA SEEDLINGS TRANSPLANTATION. Revista Vitae Educação, Saúde & Meio Ambiente, 2(13), 773–783. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/vitae/article/view/2525-2771-v2n13-5


