Marília Xavier de Freitas, Soraya Pereira Cortês de Almeida, Yasmin Maria de Jesus Silva, Felipe Augusto Sabino Silva, Lara Cristina Pereira



Auditory Stimulation, Cognitive Stimulation, Speech therapy, Seniors


INTRODUCTION: Age brings changes that affect the health of the elderly, compromising their physical and mental capacity. Thus, speech therapy interventions encourage dialogue and listening among the elderly, allowing good communication.

OBJECTIVE: To verify the effectiveness of the speech-language stimulation program for cognitive and auditory skills in the elderly.

METHODS: This work has an interventional, analytical and uncontrolled approach. It was carried out in three stages, namely pre-testing, intervention and post-testing. In the pre-testing, the elderly were tracked through two protocols, Simplified Assessment of Auditory Processing and the Mini Mental State Examination-MMSE. In the intervention, the elderly participated in an adapted cognitive and auditory stimulation program by, consisting of 9 sessions. And the post-testing consisted of reapplying the auditory and cognitive screening protocols.

RESULTS: Eight elderly people participated in the research, 7 females and 1 male. The results showed that in cognitive screening 12.5% ​​(N=1) showed a significant improvement, and 25% (N=2) maintained the same result and 37.5% (N=3) had a small evolution. Regarding the auditory tracking, it was identified that 37.5% (N=3) remained without evolution and decline, whereas 12.5% ​​(N=1) had a positive evolution and 25% (n=2) had a small evolution as compared to pre-testing.

CONCLUSION: Therefore, it is concluded that the program to stimulate cognitive and auditory skills in the elderly was effective, requiring the implementation of speech therapy programs to minimize the impacts caused by aging.


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How to Cite

Xavier de Freitas, M., PEREIRA CORTÊS DE ALMEIDA , S. ., MARIA DE JESUS SILVA , Y. ., AUGUSTO SABINO SILVA , F. ., & CRISTINA PEREIRA , L. . (2022). [ID 106] COGNITIVE AND HEARING SLILLS STIMULATION PROGRAM IN THE ELDERLY: Marília Xavier de Freitas, Soraya Pereira Cortês de Almeida, Yasmin Maria de Jesus Silva, Felipe Augusto Sabino Silva, Lara Cristina Pereira. Revista Vitae Educação, Saúde & Meio Ambiente, 2(10), 412–423. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/vitae/article/view/2525-2771-v2n10-6


