Ana Luiza Ferraz Alves, Poliana Aparecida Gonçalves de Almeida
Method, Consumption, Attributes, Barkeeper, BodyAbstract
INTRODUCTION: From the third wave, specialty coffees leveraged the quality of the product, gained market and attributes, such as quality, origin, roasting and in addition, the methods of preparing coffee began to be appreciated. These methods are prepared manually by specialized baristas and each one has its particularity, which makes each cup different and unique, by extracting different nuances and flavors.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the result of the final drink and to compare the sensory attributes found in the four of methods preparation: Hario V60, French Press, Clever and Aeropress, using the same coffee sample whose variety is Topázio.
METHODS: An experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design with blind tastings. Four treatments were used, consisting of four bottles of coffee each with a different preparation method and six repetitions composed of the cups of coffee tasted by six Q-Graders. The variables aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance and overall result were evaluated, using the WCE form. The data were evaluated through analysis of variance at 5% probability, using the SISVAR® program.
RESULTS: The preparation of drinks in different methods obtained few variations. The body characteristic, in the Aeropress method, was statistically different from the French press.
CONCLUSION: Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the Aeropress method presented the highest averages in all the evaluated attributes, giving more body to the final drink, pleasant, clean flavor and with a sweet and persistent finish, such attributes makes it the ideal method to be indicated by the barkeeper.
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