[ID 179] CHRONIC WOUNDS: Analysis of Patients Treated at a Wound Clinic at a University Center
Chronic wounds, Nursing assistance, Public healthAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Chronic ulcers are a serious public health problem. Statistics show that about 3% of the Brazilian population have injuries.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the profile of patients treated at a wound clinic at a university center from 2018 to 2021.
METHODS: Descriptive, exploratory study, based on field and documentary research, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The field of study was the UNICERP Health Center. The research participants were patients who perform wound treatment on site. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire and consultation of medical records. The study met the ethical standards of Resolution 466/12. COEP UNICERP approval protocol: 2021 1450 PROIC 006.
RESULTS: 4 female patients (50%) and 04 male patients (50%) were identified. The predominant age group corresponds to 20 and 30 years old (25%), and 80 to 90 years old (25%), 04 patients (50%) have comorbidities, such as arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, vascular and cardiac diseases and smoking. It is evident that (75%) of the patients walk without difficulty, (12.5%) walk with assistance and (12.5%) use a wheelchair. As for the tissue color and appearance of the wounds, it is observed that (87.5%) of the lesions present tissue with a red color and (12.5%) a yellow color, (62.5%) present serous exudate, and (37 .5%) have serosanguineous exudate.
CONCLUSION: Patients with chronic wounds face significant changes in their daily lives, especially with regard to their functional capacity, in addition to often having other types of comorbidities.
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