studends, teaching, study, active teaching metodologyAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Over the years, the traditional teaching method that we are used to has been evaluated and discussed, and it was observed that it is associated with the difficulty of understanding and assimilation of the content by the students, and its efficiency is increasingly being questioned. The learning techniques performed by students favor the study and understanding of knowledge by them. In this way, the identification and use of these techniques favors to improve the teaching/learning process.
OBJECTIVE: Report the main learning techniques used by higher education students.
METHODS: The work consisted of the evaluation of learning strategies used by students of the veterinary medicine course who attended the discipline of veterinary physiology II. In addition to the questionnaires, a gamification game was also passed on for interaction between students. The questionnaire adapted from Maciel, Souza and Dantas (2015) included questions about the forms of study used by students to better understand the content. And the response options were organized from the Likert ladder with scores from 1 to 5.
RESULTS: Students have greater interest or ease in recreating the situations learned by applying knowledge in a practical way to what was explained by the teacher, linking them to everyday situations, thus managing to memorize the content more clearly.
CONCLUSION: The learning techniques favor the understanding and comprehension of the content by the students, and the forms of study applying the knowledge in practical situations are more carried out by the students.
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