
  • Amanda Botelho Unicerp - Centro Universitário do Cerrado
  • Samir Daura Unicerp - Centro Universitário do Cerrado




Private International Law, Introductory Law to the Norms of Brazilian Law, Dialogue of fonts, Human rights


INTRODUCTION: In a globalized world, the development of bonds between people from different countries is natural. It should be noted that they are individuals with different cultures and customs, in addition to occasionally having differing rights and obligations. Evidencing this integration of people with dissimilar nationalities, start studying the subject of private international law. It is known that in the same way that human beings created bonds, they undo these bonds. That said, in litigation situations, the Judiciary is the competent body to resolve claims involving transnational conflicts. However, there will be cases where the conflict is not only between the disputing parties, but may also be a conflict of laws. Therefore, Private International Law is important in space dealing with conflicts of international connection. This discipline does not exist to solve the concrete case, but to indicate the most appropriate norm for the case, with the purpose of reaching a fair decision, that is, the one that best protects the authority of the human person.

OBJECTIVE: In general, the objective is to make this work possess the best legal understanding in the solutions of conflicts of norms in the space with international connection.

METHODS: The present work was elaborated by the deductive method, qualifying as a descriptive and qualitative research.RESULTS: In addition to the study of traditional private international law, knowledge of postmodern private international law is necessary, as society intends that current legislation be able to deal with contemporary dilemmas at any time. Thus, it is singular for the work to mention about national law.CONCLUSION: Conflicts demand fair decisions, so there must necessarily be an overcoming of formalistic decisions, since a merely formal right is not enough for the parties, who have the right to the dignity of the human person.


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How to Cite

Botelho, A., & Daura, S. (2024). [ID 200] THE NEED TO VALUE HUMAN RIGHTS IN SPATIAL CONFLICTS WITH INTERNATIONAL CONNECTION. Journal Rumos Da Pesquisa Em Ciências Empresariais, Ciências Do Estado E Da Tecnologia, 1(7), 537–555. https://doi.org/10.17648/2525-278X-v1n7-9


