Criminal Execution Law, Prison System, Prision overcrowdingAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The rules established by the Criminal Execution Law - LEP prioritize the reinstatement of the convict, as well as protect his physical and moral integrity. However, the State, represented here by the prison system, cannot comply with the requirements provided for by law. This inefficiency of the government leads to the precariousness of the system and the overcrowding of Brazilian penitentiaries.
OBJECTIVE: To present the cracks that are evident in each of the stages of the applicability of LEP and identify how the inefficiency of the State impacts on prison overcrowding.
METHODS: This research was conducted through a literature review and documentary analysis of laws, data and precedents associated with the prison system, having as its object of study the flaws in law enforcement that lead to system overload.
RESULTS: Literary research points out that one of the main factors that contributes to the overcrowding of the prison system is the inability of the State to apply what the legislature provides for, that is, if the LEP were actually complied with, offering material resources, health, legal and educational support and assistance to graduates, the prison system would be widely effective, expressing a minimum percentage of recurrence and significant post-prison reintegration rates.
CONCLUSION: Therefore, it is suggested to create public policies that improve the process of resocialization and ensure the insertion of the prisoner in the labor market. For example, expanding the mutual collaboration agreement between the State and companies (which has a reduction in income tax), and extending to former prisoners who want to enter the labor market again.
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