Prejudice, Discrimination, Minority Groups, Educational institutionAbstract
INTRODUCTION: There is a growing need to work on diversity in organizations in view of the perceived changes in the workforce, characterized by an increase in identities, origins and experiences in society.
OBJECTIVE: This article presents a study in a university center, in which the objective is to capture the understanding of leaders about Diversity in the organization.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The methodology used was a qualitative study, and data collection took place through a semi-structured interview with the participation of three managers of the organization. For data treatment, thematic analysis guided by Flores (1994) was used, through the identification of themes that were emerging with the analysis of the collected data.
RESULTS: It was possible to identify the organizational demography of the university center, as well as the presence of prejudice among its members.
CONCLUSION: There is a long way to go for the organization in question to implement diversity in its institutional environment.
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