An analysis of the (in)effectiveness of the fundamental right to accessibility for people with disabilities


  • Karina Claudia Fernandes Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Elaine Castro Saito Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Renato de Souza Nunes Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP


Education, Inclusion, Disabled people


INTRODUCTION: Special education was gradually implemented in the Brazilian education system, with historical records of adaptation of social environments for the reception of people with disabilities. It has a history of different nomenclatures and teaching modalities, with the 1980s and 1990s as the starting point for the development of humanized educational policies. The modernity and development of legal provisions for the implementation and adaptation of inclusion are progressive, currently being at a broad level of social inclusion. In the educational sphere, many steps have been overcome, and today there is a range of legislation that determines the way in which individuals who need specialized educational assistance are attended to. Faced with legal determinations and the reality of subjects who seek specialized educational assistance in public schools, this study aimed to research the specialized educational assistance provided in urban schools in the educational network of the city of Patrocínio-MG. How problematic the present research had: do the municipal public schools of Patrocínio/MG ensure to people with disabilities a specialized educational service, guaranteeing them the fundamental right to accessibility?

OBJECTIVE: The general objective of this work was to analyze the level of adequacy of schools to the legal specifications of accessibility for special students.

METHODS: The methodology used was bibliographic and field research, with on-site visits to schools to apply a questionnaire to the institutions' managers in order to absorb the general objectives on preparation for attending special students with regard to human resources, materials and physical structure, possible inadequacies present in schools that prevent the access and/or permanence of special students, possibility of correction of any inadequacies, observing the legislation on the subject. The questionnaires were treated quantitatively and qualitatively using legislation as a parameter for pointing out observations.

RESULTS: The results pointed to schools adapted to pedagogical service in a manner described by indications of the State of Minas Gerais, with the right to follow-up by the teacher, support only those subjects framed in the characteristics of item I, of Art. 2 of CNE/CEB nº 4 of 2009 and of item II, of Art. 2 of CNE/CEB nº 4 of 2009, the subjects with Autism report; and failures in building adaptations on access ramps to all environments and tactile floor.

CONCLUSION: It is concluded that building adaptations must be made in the manner required by the legislation in the failures found and that the service offered is done in line with the educational legislation governing the education system in the city of Patrocínio-MG.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, K. C., Castro Saito, E., & de Souza Nunes, R. (2022). [ID 103] SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONAL CARE IN URBAN SCHOOLS OF THE MUNICIPAL EDUCATION NETWORK OF PATROCÍNIO/MG: An analysis of the (in)effectiveness of the fundamental right to accessibility for people with disabilities. Journal Rumos Da Pesquisa Em Ciências Empresariais, Ciências Do Estado E Da Tecnologia, 1(6), 370–388. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/rumos/article/view/2525-278x-v1n6-9


