
  • Samantha de Fátima Rodrigues Peres Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP
  • Mauro Lúcio dos Santos Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocínio - UNICERP


Capital market, Investiments, Stock exchanges


INTRODUCTION: The capital market has great importance for the economy in Brazil, it allows companies to distribute their securities and the capitalization of the issued bonds. The stock market is part of the capital market. Shares are securities of part of a company's share capital. The main Brazilian stock indicator is the Ibovespa, which presents the average volatility of the largest shares in B3. To measure a company's profitability, it uses fundamental analysis.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of portfolios using companies' financial indexes and their performance in relation to the return of the Bovespa index; conduct a study of the functioning of the capital market as well as the tools available for operation; and conduct a field study with students from the Administration and Accounting Sciences courses of an educational institution.

METHODS: Case study to evaluate the result of portfolios in relation to the Bovespa index; bibliographic research to present the functioning of the capital market; field study to assess students' knowledge of the capital market. Online survey with the application of a questionnaire consisting of 8 closed questions.

RESULTS: The operation of the capital market was studied, presenting its available tools for investment, the return of portfolios against the Bovespa index was also evaluated and, finally, it made it possible to ascertain the knowledge of students on the subject.

CONCLUSION: in general, the knowledge of the students surveyed is low and there is an interest in their performance in the capital market.


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How to Cite

de Fátima Rodrigues Peres, S., & dos Santos , M. L. . (2022). [ID 69] EFFICIENCY AND RETURN OF FUNDAMENTALISTIC INDICATORS IN OPERATIONS IN THE STOCK MARKET. Journal Rumos Da Pesquisa Em Ciências Empresariais, Ciências Do Estado E Da Tecnologia, 1(6), 305–321. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicerp.edu.br/index.php/rumos/article/view/2525-278x-v1n6-5


